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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Rotating systems and dark matter.cmap, ROTATING SYSTEMS AND DARK MATTER 5. Rotating magnetic sys- tems are claimed to exhi- bit anomalous such as spontaneous acceleration and over unity energy pro- duction. a) I have proposed that rotating magnetic systems give rise to dark matter at magnetic flux tubes asso- ciated with the system. b) The parameter v_0 appearing in the general formula for h_eff assigned with either em or gravita- tional flux tubes is identi- fiable as the rotation velo- city. One has v_0/c ≈ 3×10(-8). c) Since these systems are strongly charged, a na- tural guess is that h_em is in question., ROTATING SYSTEMS AND DARK MATTER 4. I have proposed that meta- bolic machinery generates large h_eff phase some- how. h_eff=h_em hypo- thesis allows to develop this hypothesis in more detail. a) The rotating shaft of a molecular motor asso- ciated with ATP synthase is proposed to play a key role. b) What comes in mind is that the rotational velocity v_0 of the shaft appears in the formula for h_em. The electric field over the mitochondrial membrane generates charge separati- on and the product of charges of shaft and its complement should appe- ar in the expression for h_em. c) The value of v_0/c is expected to be of order 10^(-14) from the angular rotation rate of ADP syn- thase about few hundred revolutions per second. The order of magnitude for h_em could be same as for h_gr associated with Earth- particle system., ROTATING SYSTEMS AND DARK MATTER 1. Quantum biology inspires the hypothesis h_eff=n×h of Planck constants labeling of levels of dark matter hierarchy. The quan- tal effects of ELF em fields on vertebrate brain serve as a motivation. a) h_eff is assigned with Kähler magnetic flux tubes carrying dark matter as phases of ordinary matter, which are macroscopical- ly quantum coherent for large values of h_eff. b) The model of quantum biology leads to the hypothesis that EEG serving as communications tool between biological and magnetic body consists of dark photons which decay to ordinary photons in visible and UV range. This im- lies that the value of h_eff is rat- her large, or order 10^14. c) The model for the communica- tions between magnetic body and biological body leads to the hypo- thesis that the value of h_eff depends on ion being proportio- nal to its mass number A, and thus has different value for each particle. This guarantees that the energy E= h_eff×f associated with the cyclotron frequency E_c= ZeB/2πm is independent of the mass of the charged particle., ROTATING SYSTEMS AND DARK MATTER 2. Nottale's finding that planetary orbits seem to correspond to Bohr orbits in gravitational po- tential with gigantic value of gravitational Planck constant. a) By Equivalence Principle h_gr has the general form h_gr= GMm/v_0, where M and m are the interacting masses and v_0 is a parameter with dimensi- ons of velocity. v_0 seems to cor- respond to a typical rotation velo- city in the system formed by the masses. For three inner planets one has v_0/c≈2^(-11). b) The notion of h_gr generalizes to that for other interactions. For instance, in electromagnetic case the formation of strong em fields implying charge separation leads to systems in which h_em= Z_1Z_2e^2/v_0 is large. Pollack's exclusion zone and its complement define this kind of systems and is identified as prebiotic life form. c) Since the natural expansion parameter of perturbative expan- sion is the g^2/4πhbar , one can say that transition to dark matter phase make the situation pertur- bative. Mother Nature is theoreti- cian friendly., ROTATING SYSTEMS AND DARK MATTER 3. h_em might be large in the exclusions zones (EZ) appea- ring in the water bounded by gel. They were discovered by Pollack. a) EZ carries very large nega- tive charge with positive char- ge outside the exclusion zone. b) TGD interpretation is in terms of H1.5O phase of water formed when every 4:th proton is trans- ferred to magnetic body as dark particle with large value of h_eff. The proposal is that primitive life form is in question. c) The pair formed by EZ and its complement could have large va- lue of h_eff=h_em=Z^2e^2/v_0. d) The velocity parameter v_0 should correspond to some na- tural rotation velocity. What co- mes in mind is that complement refers to Earth and v_0 is the rotation velocity at the surface of Earth. The prediction for h_eff would be of order h_em/h= 4παZ^2×.645×10^6 ≈5.9×10^4×Z^2. e) Cell membrane involves also large charge separation due to very strong electric field over the cell membrane. Also now dark phases with large h_em or h_gr could be formed.